So, your GM isn't just meta-gaming. He has built a Meta-Game. In which he has the most control both IC and OOC.


Have your character get the power to read your mind, like his can. If he says no, say that YOU (real life you) have formed a psychic connection to your Character instead. He's the one that said 4th wall breaking is part of the game. Then every time you're about to do something, speak twice, once as you discussing it with the DM and then as your player saying "Nope, the DM has said we can't do that" everyone else's characters can that react IC "What the hell!? But we did that last week and it was fine!" or something.

Unfortunately it sounds like you're playing this game online, am I right? If not I would have suggested that once your 4th wall breaking powers become manifest, every time the DM is about to **** you out of something, you slap him in the mouth, not really hard, just hard enough to shut him up. He wrote himself in, combat encounters are part of the game! And I mean that, seriously, if nothing else it will demonstrate how much of an enormous arse he is being.

Have fun!