Ever since I began using Paint.NET and SAI to make avatars, I find I draw less and less as my pictures get more and more elaborate.

I decided a few days ago to return (albeit temporarily) to my roots, the much underestimated MS Paint (XP Edition). This pretty much entails creating everything with a mouse and not beginning with a traditional pencil sketch. I was definitely out of practice.

Here I took three tries to draw the same character:


This one I tried with a 600x600 canvas.

This one is a 300x300 canvas.

And this one is a 380x380 canvas. It took a few tries to find the appropriate size.

While I continue to use Paint.NET to make avatars, I do much prefer the MS Paint colour editor tool, as I`m most familiar with it, but it has limitations, such as inability to save custom palettes.

Anyone recognize this derpatar?

CountD: There is something of a visual disparity with the sitting guy. While the chair is 3D looking, the guy`s torso is completely 2D—flat. I would suggest either making the chair more flat, or the guy more fleshed out.

asdflove: I like how in the pic with Tristan and... the Shiri look-alike running at each other, the speed lines are the same colour as their clothes.

Ninjaman: That`s certainly an interesting artistic direction you have there. I`m referring to the partial outlineless portion of the avatar. I encourage you to make a completely outlineless one, as very few try to do that. It would stand out greatly from other avatars. Don`t forget to conserve detail and make each detail large and obvious to make up for the lack of outlines.