Quote Originally Posted by Cuthalion View Post
Ponies aren't hard! That one might be a bit more detailed, but what do you guys think of this?

PS:Ponies aren't easy, either.
Just a few of points:
-What's up with the front leg? It doesn't look particularly natural. And the way it's joined to the body seems to subdivide it.
-The colour you chose for the outline of the mane and the outline of the body are very similar, and I didn't realise they were different until I zoomed in close enough to see it. They could perhaps benefit by being more different from one another.
-The line at the top of the eye should really be black.
-Something about the wings seems off, but I can't think of it...
-Finally, the teeth. The line of the teeth shouldn't follow the line of the edge of the head. Also, never put a dark outline on them because it makes them look dirty. See below:

Notice here how the teeth don't go all the way to the edge of the head and that they have their own outline separate outline colour. The colour I use is a very pale blue-grey.

Anyway... It's not terrible, it just needs work. I suggest practicing with Earth Ponies to begin with to get the body shape down properly. From there, it's a quick jump into Pegasi and an even quicker jump into Unicorns.
Oh, and before I forget, the legs that are behind the other legs should be a darker shade to add the illusion of some depth.