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    Default Re: The Warblade Reloaded [D&D 3.5, From "The Fighter Problem & How to Fix It"]

    Quote Originally Posted by Poppatomus View Post
    very interesting, and it seems very cool. I think that, perhaps, martial law might be a bit frustrating, given the random element. To modify an idea I once suggested (trained feat), perhaps it might be better to lower the DCs, but cap the number of additional learned feats based on level/stat, or put a time limit on the use of the feat.
    Martial Lore you mean. And there is a time limit... oh, you meant that he should only learn the feats for a specific length of time. No, I don't think that makes sense. But there are built in time constraints on exactly when he is able to learn the feats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garryl View Post
    Any chance you can make it less dip-tastic?
    I originally had it at 1 + Con mod SP, I guess I'll bump it back down. Compared to the Warblade, which this is built from, what makes it more dip-tastic?

    3 maneuvers and a stance (which are inexplicably not martial maneuvers despite using the exact same terminology)
    For reasoning see here and here. Also, Arts of War and martial maneuvers are not mechanically identical. For example, this Fighter can use the same strike as long as he has SP to spend. On the other hand, he is unable to recover his maneuvers in the middle of a battle.

    a presumably floating bonus feat (it never actually says what you do with the feats in your repertoire, just how you put them there, so this doesn't actually do anything as written).
    You do with them whatever the feats say that you do with them. In this revision of the mechanic, the Repertoire is just a fancy name for the Fighter's collection of feats. I felt the need to give it a name since this Fighter does not have a finite number of bonus feats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waker View Post
    Maybe add Knowledge (Nobility). As a mercenary/soldier, being able to know the reputation of clients, ranking structures and the like would be importantish.
    I may yet, though then I would probably also include Diplomacy. I'll be tinkering with the skill list.

    Bonus to initiative and acting in surprise rounds. Always bothered me that the trained, professional soldier would be dragging his feat in the initiative count.
    This kind of stuff will be handled by maneuvers.

    Any plans to shore up the weakness with low reflex/will and general vulnerability against spells?
    Again, this will be the purview of maneuvers and utilities.

    Would damage reduction or a healing bonus be appropriate?
    Possibly stance/utility related.
    Last edited by Ziegander; 2013-03-23 at 11:04 PM.

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