Quote Originally Posted by FlawedParadigm View Post
Well the funnier thing is he's complaining about V having to be written out of fights and...suggesting other ways that would write V out of fights. It's not V's physical presence that needs to be curbed to keep challenges to the Order as challenges, it's V's (and to some extent, Durkon's) spells. I mean, you saw not too long ago what a single Holy Word did to the ENTIRE LINEAR GUILD, barring Tarquin, and him only for being higher level. When you can accomplish that kind of upheaval of an engagement in a single standard action, you're a fearsome beast in your own right.

Consider Fireball: a third level spell, and yet by tenth level, even hitting a lousy three creatures, it can do more damage (30d6 total between all three targets) it can do more damage than some melee builds will do in Epic levels. V can throw 20-odd spells of that or better power level around per day. While flying completely out of bow or melee range, if outdoors. http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Fireball
Once again, you've fallen prey to the fallacy that V thinks to do these things. Like I said, it is not the playstyle that you want. It is Rich's writing. One effective use of Holy Word was a freak accident in itself, even the Order being surprised.

I don't really see how you have a foot to stand on.