Quote Originally Posted by CosmicOccurence View Post
The fierce ground attack pierces Magmortar's defenses, and it falls to the ground unconscious.

If you're using ground, then the correct answer is this! Leo releases Venasaur, whose flower quickly absorbs the power of the sun, raising its attack power.

It runs forwards quickly and shoots a deadly volley of leaves at the triple mole pokemon.

Activate Flower Gift! +2Atk and SpAtk CS.

Advances to I15 and uses razor leaf. [roll0] Crit 18-20. AC 7+evasion. [roll1]. On Crit [roll2]
The Dugtrio braces itself just in time for the leaves to tear through its triple-bodied, uhh, body? The razor sharp projectiles leave a plethora of open gashes on the Dugtrio, which barely remains conscious as a result.

"Oh no, Dugtrio! Try to dig underground to buy some time to recover!"

Unfortunately, the steel-themed battleground gives no ground to the Dugtrio and its efforts to dig beneath the surface prove futile. It remains in place, exhausted and helpless.

Dugtrio just wasted its turn tryin' to Dig. What a noob.