Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
I was frustrated by the complete lack of ability I had to give my units ANY ORDER besides Move and Attack-Move. Is there some way to turn that off? I got frustrated by the need to constantly micromanage everything because i couldn't give Hold Position or Patrol orders.

And where were my damn Nydus Worms? I learned to be terrified of that screech whenever one spawned and I panicked around looking for it, I wanted to unleash that fear on my fearless AI enemies.
Quote Originally Posted by Kyeudo View Post
You want to know what drove me bananas? I couldn't select a unit that wasn't mine. Those giant Feral Zerg reptile things that I want to know what they are? Can't look at them. Those tentacle plants? No looking. The freaking yetis from the first mission I could choose? No idea what they could do.

Blizzard, why did you dumb the campaign down?
I had these problems too. I got until campaign 3 before I got so fed up, I spent 10 minutes combing through the settings to turn those off. You guys still having those problems? Because I fixed mine and can help you guys fix your displays and be able to click on things.