Mithril sat in the tavern and started looking back through her spellbook. She wanted to return to the caves of the orcs now she had her new spell that let her understand another's speech. Shiny had said that the Hooded One's contact had spoken in an odd language and she was determined to be prepared for the next time. Paging through the spell she happened across one that had had frequent use in the caves.
"Whisker's do you remember that spell I used in the caves? Light Burst?"the cav] She spoke to the small weasel curled on her lap. "Made glow. Yes." He yawned and turned over. "Well it hurt those orcs, something about how they see I bet. And the other wand I made has worked so well, I am thinking of making another."

She looked at her old notes, shifting a few symbols and replacing others in her mind as she started to design this new wand.

So at my current income I can afford to make a wand at caster level 2, for 750 gp, 60 exp and 2 days of work.