To me Goblin Slayer and Kore are two ends of a spectrum, one is pure duty to the extermination of "evil" and the other is fanatical protection of his city and he actually gains pleasure from torturing the "monster races."

Much like the Goblin Adventurers are compared to Duv and the Viper Clan; one are adrift in an unknown world and disregarding their customs while the latter is devoted to the "Old Goblin Regime" and are the examples of their race that makes people like Kore and Goblin Slayer seek to rid the world of them.

Kore is much more tragic a villain than Goblin Slayer, he could almost be considered a fallen hero, and I think he is motivated or has been tricked into believing that he is serving a higher purpose.

Goblin Slayer has been perverted by his attitude towards them, symbolized by his half wooden body, and for that reason I consider him to be a worse villain than Kore.