Found a new possible one: Bauhei, the Black Leopard

Former god who has lost most of his power when a new pantheon arose and took pretty much all of his worshipers. This version is his 3.5 update from 2008, but he was originally introduced in 1988 in OA5, Mad Monkey vs the Dragon Claw which I assume is some obscure old splatbook.

Circus Scene: Huge, muscular man with a leopard's head. While that's not overly shocking, the fluff does say that "His mere presence is awe-inspiring". He's also got an awe aura but it has to be consciously turned on.

Tower Scene: No DR and hp isn't all that impressive, but I'm guessing both Miko and Belkar would have trouble hitting a 46 AC. 30 STR.

Escape Scene: Greater Teleport three times per day, and none of that pesky self plus 50 lbs stuff.

- Level 20 sorcerer who is allowed to use his spell slots on cleric spells despite not actually having any cleric levels. Astral Projection is a typical spell.
- Chaotic Neutral
- His aura ability, while it has to be turned on consciously, causes awe/fascination which fits really nicely with the circus scene
- Not exactly a god, referred to as an ancient spirit, no immunity to charm/mind control

- Not all that strange looking
- Do ancient spirits have parents?