Quote Originally Posted by Shadowknight12 View Post
The Yali, from Monsters of the Mind (by Green Ronin) has (according to a 3.5e conversion I found) Trace Teleport, Psionic Teleport and Psionic Plane Shift, Mental Barrier (might explain the damage resilience), Psionic Divination (might explain how it knew about the Astral Plane and Xykon's ritual), Psionic Identify (another explanation for identifying the ritual) and Psionic Blast (the "STOP!" scene). And it's a TN Huge Magical Beast. That might be worth checking, if someone has access to that sourcebook. A high enough strength might justify the tower scene, and maybe even the stomp. No idea how it looks like, appearance-wise.

EDIT: Found this blurb:

Not sure if we're allowed to copypaste that kind of stuff, so if that's a breach of copyright, let me know and I'll take it down.
You haven't pasted anything that isn't easily covered under Fair Use. Very interesting power set....

Would Rich have strayed outside stock AD&D for the source of MitD?