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Thread: Gnorman's Complete E6 Compendium

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Gnorman's Complete E6 Compendium

    Quote Originally Posted by Mithril Leaf View Post
    To be fair, it requires all your resources being devoted to it and you can still only make one item per day. Plus it requires genie cheese. And also 200 phant's luckstones.

    EDIT: I mean it just wouldn't be D&D without someway to break the system.
    Well, I shall sleep better at night knowing that the trick will probably only appeal to the direst of the dire cheeseweasels.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkweave31 View Post
    Yeah rereading it now it does need some clarification. A clause that makes the arrows disappear a round after it leaves your possession. I'm not entirely sure about the ranged-only rules, I was under the impression that they could be, but I don't think it matters that much. As for reducing it to just Flame, Frost, Shock I'd like for them to have a little more to do than just add damage. Seeking and Spell Storing were specifically nods to the original arcane archer (as was the arrow storm capstone SLA). I wanted to add merciful and ghost touch to expand their target range a little. Screaming and corrosive can be dropped though, as can distance and revealing. Sooooo.... revised version:

    Moderate Archetype Power: You may conjure an arrow of pure arcane energy as a free action that can be fired from any bow. These arrows have a +1 enhancement bonus. For each arrow you create, you may choose additional weapon abilities. As often as you’d like, you may choose Flaming, Frost, Shock, Merciful, Seeking, Spell Storing, or Ghost Touch. At level 6 you may choose two of the previous abilities. Any arrow created by this ability disappears 1 round after it leaves your possession.
    Looks better. You're right; it should have more than just the classic elemental trifecta. Generally, I try to hew as close to core as possible (not always, though), so I had a bit of a kneejerk reaction against corrosive/screaming. I do like the idea behind the archetype and agree that the Red Mage could use a little role expansion.