Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
The time-pressure missions are my least favorite, I really dislike being forced to rush. It makes me sloppy, and only the campaign being easy to play saves me there.
What I DO like about them is its a handy way to teach myself to hurry the hell up and not take my time building up my base. I am the worst zerg player ever. I think protoss take less time to build up an army than i do. lol. But in general, yeah, being forced to rush right out of the gate sucks. I dont mind the "last x minutes" type missions, those are fun, but, "If you dont do x in under 5 minutes, you lose" is much less so.

That one mission with the scourge nests is my least favorite for this, as its not really obvious until the second time through, that you want to waste as much time as possible with that first battlecruiser so you can build your base, and extend your creep well past the first nest and towards the next couple. If you rush for the first nest right away you find yourself in a lot of trouble by the end. I think I was ducking and dodging around the ships the last three nests because they were pathing right over where I had to go next.