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Thread: Starcraft 2: 8 Medivac drop

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Where ever trouble brews

    Default Re: Starcraft 2: 8 Medivac drop

    Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
    What I DO like about them is its a handy way to teach myself to hurry the hell up and not take my time building up my base. I am the worst zerg player ever. I think protoss take less time to build up an army than i do. lol. But in general, yeah, being forced to rush right out of the gate sucks. I dont mind the "last x minutes" type missions, those are fun, but, "If you dont do x in under 5 minutes, you lose" is much less so.

    That one mission with the scourge nests is my least favorite for this, as its not really obvious until the second time through, that you want to waste as much time as possible with that first battlecruiser so you can build your base, and extend your creep well past the first nest and towards the next couple. If you rush for the first nest right away you find yourself in a lot of trouble by the end. I think I was ducking and dodging around the ships the last three nests because they were pathing right over where I had to go next.
    My second play of that mission was stellar. I had my creep tumors surrounding the first 3 nests before I was forced to pop one. I'm sorely tempted to build up an army of Mutas and Frenzy Hydras and see if I can murder one of those gorgons with Kerrigan's help.
    Kerrigan + 5 Queens as the core of your army (keep Queens on a separate hotkey so that you can easily select them and drop tumors if need be), with a bunch of roaches to back you up and lings for flavor will really really take you far on that map. A few Swarm Hosts or Spine/Spore Crawlers for defence and you're golden. Maybe some Muta's seeing as very few things on that map can hit air in the first place beyond the odd missile tower and the small groups of marines you will run into. I used my Muta group to go after the terran bases while my core group pushed objective. They met very little in the way of resistance, and when they did, I just pulled them back and made use of the fast heal out of combat upgrade.

    I am a huge fan of Chargealots and Immortals (with some Colossi support mostly because they are cool and minimal Stalker support) and I keep to Phoenix's until I really need the firepower in the air. And if I need air damage firepower, I tend to stick to Stalkers anyway.
    Typically warp in Stalkers tend to be my quick response unit of choice VS Air or non-lings, and Chargealots against lings and most times marines if there is no marauder support.

    Something I've noticed about most replays. Very few players will bother targeting a Medivac. Why? It's an easy enough kill with a good Stalker ball, if you blink right you can cut off the marines from retreat AND kill the Medivac, heck I've seen muta flocks fly in and ignore the medivacs. Am I missing something?
    Last edited by Karoht; 2013-04-08 at 01:58 PM.
    ~~Courage is not the lack of fear~~
    Quote Originally Posted by gooddragon1 View Post
    If the party wizard can't survive a supersonic dragon made of iron at epic levels it's his own fault really.
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