Quote Originally Posted by Carry2 View Post
Well, yes. That the word of an OOTSer vs. the opinion of another OOTSer. Those are both considered 'in-group' members by the audience, and therefore permitted to voice disagreement. By contrast, you had some people- not many, but some- seriously defending Belkar's casual murder of a gnomish merchant when Celia spoke up against it.

There's little or no evidence that Celia's pacifism was a serious impediment to the group, given that she was clever enough to find ways of circumventing danger nonviolently (for which I am willing to give her major props), and there was still a significant chunk of the audience that couldn't stand it. Given that Miko was always noticeably- not a lot, but noticeably- further down the sliding scale of cynicism vs. idealism, and that she actively interfered with the Order's 'other plans', the audience reactions were proportionately more violent.

But honestly, during all those arguments, the only way I remember that gender was invoked were speculations that Miko wasn't getting any (which comes straight out of Roy's mouth.) Given that just about every other line of argument had been tried, I'm not seeing particular evidence for sexism.
The comic doesn't endorse Roy's sexism either, with the heavens frowning on such comments and even what was practically an admission from Roy that he is somewhat sexist.

I like Celia, personally. I didn't like Miko, but I liked her as a character and I liked what she added to the story. Someone I loved to hate, you know? More Angel Eyes style of hate than Wesley Crusher.