Quote Originally Posted by Dimonite View Post
So I've been avoiding telling people this, but the forum just seems... safe. Anyway, ever since I came to college, I've been having nightmares on a semi-regular basis. Not run-of-the-mill, chased-by-a-giant-boot kind of nightmares, but the visceral-get-possessed-and-slaughter-everyone-you-care-about kind of nightmares. I've been able to handle it so far, but in the past couple of weeks it's gotten worse. I'm to the point where I'm almost afraid to sleep, and I'm waking up four or five times a night in a cold sweat. And I don't know what to do or who to talk to, so I figured I'd talk to you guys because you're awesome and for some reason easier to tell these things to than my IRL friends. Help?
Glad to hear you feel this is a safe place. That is the goal!

Unfortunately, this is something that you probably need to talk to a professional about, since it sounds like it's a psychological thing going on, and we can't give that kind of advice on here. What we can do is commiserate with you, and provide support while you're dealing with things.

On the plus side, you're in college. Typically, that means you have access to on-campus, free professional help through the counseling center. I highly encourage you to seek them out, as the entire situation seems to be taking a significant toll on you. The sooner you get some help on figuring out what's going on and how to fix it, the better your entire college career (and future) will go.