Quote Originally Posted by Socratov View Post
Dear avatarists,

currently I have a pony avatar of Tyrion, but my tastes have changed into a different direction. On top of that my attention has diverted from the ponies vs non-ponies. the conjunction of these 2 facts results in an itch only you can scratch for me (wait, this sounded way better in my head then on digital paper).

I am in the market for an OotS style avatar depicting John Taylor.

Who is John Taylor?
John Taylor is the protagonist of the Nightside series by Simon R Green. His occupation is a private detective you can hire to find things. Anything. If it exists (even in other timelines/alternate universes), he can find it through his gift. John is described as tall, dark and formerly handsome (around the age of 35) due to the aquiring of scars through his professional life (think wear and tear/heroicly healed damage). He wears a bleached trenchcoat filled with all sorts of items: condiments (salt and pepper are favorite items used in combat), chaos dice (to screw up reality/ground screwed up reality) and whatever he has on his hands (plot items, checkhov's guns not in gun form). Further he wears a white shirt with a tie.

He has a defiant personality, angering and throwing punches with powers vastly bigger then he is making use of his friends/acquantices, plot items, his gift and dirty tricks. His gift he uses to for example empty the clips of guns (letting the bullets fall from his hand in a casual manner), or anything alike (for instance all the fillings in his enemies' teeth or the air in their lungs). Even though he can fight a bit, he mostly relies on his reputation of badassery (which is more or less true form a bystander perspective) to ward off attacks.

One more thing: he does not wear a hat.

You can find book covers which give a vague idea of how the artist thinks he looks, evden though they are not exactly accurate (like with the dresdenfiels where harry is depicted wiht a hat even though he lampshades he doesn't wear one).

Ok, ok, so, what do you want from me/us?
What I want for an avatar is an OotS style
XJohn Taylor (facing east-south-east {i.e. 3 quarters of his face visible}) Xperforming his favorite party trick: emptying the clips of his enemies' guns and letting the bullets (7 dangling towards the floor) fall out of his left hand in an arrogant and casual manner while holding a couple of condiment packets in his right hand with a
Xdiabolical grin on his face (something akin to Belkar when he has been told he can do whatever he wants to an enemy).

I hope you have enough details to go on, if you have any questions I'll answer them.

IN return for makign the avatar you will have a spot of honor in my signature giving credit for the world (wide web) to see and my sincere thanks.
pretty please? (second repost). I'm sorry I still havent found a good google picture of John doing his favorite trick (there aren't great pictures of him on the net anyway)

I really hope someone takes up the request since it would be zomgawesome and legendary to have him as avvy.

Thanks in advance.