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Thread: Worst class in the entire game.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst class in the entire game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thebar99 View Post
    Elric, it seems he's refusing my scenario entirely now. So I suspect this is all moot. Instead he'd rather go knock down someone's straw man and declare victory. If this were not so, he'd have accepted you or declined you when prompted instead of ignoring that entirely and continuing on tangents. If he doesn't get back on topic soon I will assume he's bowing out and get someone else to run the Rogue.

    It'd be nice if there were more good players I was not personally involved with creating or at least had a secondhand role. There isn't - in part because people learn bad play habits from bad players, in part because it's easier to learn habits than unlearn them, and in part because so many are personally offended by things that should not be personal at all, such as "Rogues suck".
    I'm saying that it is flawed. I'll still run it.
    Now, since you seem to be confused as to what a straw man is, it is: to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.
    Now, name me a spot where I did that, please. I'd appreciate it if you laid off on the claim of straw men without point out exactly where one happened.
    Secondly, I, at least, am not personally offended by your allegation that rogues suck. I disagree. I am (trying) to prove it.
    Edit: I don't know what gave you any idea to the contrary, but I will still run the rogue.
    Last edited by Eldest; 2013-04-21 at 05:00 PM.