Quote Originally Posted by Elricaltovilla View Post
I'm aware of that, but it doesn't particularly concern me whether they're actually insults or not. Thess threads don't go beyond rolls and IC dialogue.

What about WBL, Single class/multiclass, XP penalties, Level adjustment, Templates?
WBL is standard. 49k? I think it's 49k.

I dunno about classes. He's trying to prove Rogues are viable, I know the most you could possibly argue for is 2 levels (and it'd be demonstrably inferior to Monk 2). I don't care if he multiclasses, but don't think it proves anything about Rogues if he does. Especially if he does the obvious Rogue 1/Wizard 9.

If he really wants to make his point he'd just go Rogue 10 and try to use what little, bad abilities he has.

But if he does go multiclass, stick to the rules for favored class penalties. Yes, they suck and in any actual game I'd banish them to Hell instantly. But them's the rules, and a big part of "Rogues suck" is that the rules screw them over at every turn. So if that's a problem for him it's one more example.

LA and templates he should definitely avoid, as they'd obviously be doing all the work. LA 0 I'm fine with.

Additionally, what is the ultimate goal of the rogue character? I suggest retrieving a macguffin. Something kept in a safe or lockbox that is, once taken from said safe, easy to carry out of its location, no bigger than 1-2 lbs.

That way the rogue character can deal with the encounters in multiple ways, and if he chooses to avoid the guards on the way in, he will have to face them a second time on the way out, dealing with them as necessary.
Amusingly, retrieving an item was actually my idea. There is a catch though, and you'll understand what I mean when I submit the scenario to you.

Since we are finally getting somewhere, where is the thread? While "Rogues are the worst class" is on topic here, anyone that doesn't get it by now never will, so let's take it elsewhere.