Both of the Elthans finally decide to act on Thokk's behalf. One casts ray of enfeeblement while the other fires off a volley of magic missles. Achkby adds a scorching ray to the mix. Even Callos throws a spell at the shadow-Thokk, though he is not be sure whether or not blindness would even affect the creature.

The shadow-Thokk resists the effects of the spells, but the four magic users' combined power is enough to stagger the creature, giving Hajih an opening as he slashes away with his shadowstuff dagger.

Dark blood streams down Lumpy's neck, chest and arm. Grunting, the half-orc entangles the shadow-Thokk with his flail, but when the creature pulls away, the flail (slick with Lumpy's own blood) slips out of his hand ...

Thokk charges at his shadow counterpart, screaming. His (now merely masterwork) sword slips under the shadow-Thokk's guard, but at the last minute, the hasted shade twists away and Thokk hits only air.

The shadow-Thokk's counter-attack is so fast as to be essentially invisible. Suddenly, the point of the shadowblade appears from between Thokk's shoulderblades. Thokk has been impaled through and through ...

TIME TO DIE!!!!! TIME TO DIE!!!! The shadow-Thokk crows hoarsely, echoing Thokk's last words in mockery and triumph.

TIME TO DI ... urk? The shadow-Thokk's cry of victory is cut short as Lissa's shadowbolt strikes it in the middle of the forehead. The shadow-Thokk topples backward as the real Thokk likewise collapses backward, falling off of the shade's blade.

Both Thokks lie on their backs on the cold ground, their unseeing eyes and gaping mouths upturned toward the silent stars ...

OOC: The shadow-Thokk has spell resistance, but the combined effect of four spellcasters in enough to break through the SR. Hajih hits, but Thokk misses (the shadow-Thokk has AC 31 while hasted). Lumpy successfully entangles the shadow-Thokk, but loses the opposed STR check miserably. Lissa's shadowstuff bolt kills the shadow-Thokk, but not before the shadow-Thokk crits Thokk.

@sacreddeamon - PM sent to you.