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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Telekineticist (3.5 D&D, PEACH)<-really, you should.

    Hey, my campaign finally started so I thought I'd post my findings.

    It would be nice if I could use strength checks to move objects via telekinesis; the "by weight" system doesn't really make sense when dealing with a boulder that requires a dc 18 strength check to move or the like. Right now I'm going with "cha check" and "maybe some benefit frm extra hands, like +2 per 2 hands?

    I used my system of force fling from a few posts ago for about 20 minutes before getting angry at it and just switching back to the system described in the class itself. Now that I know its more or less how the telekinesis spell works, I'm a bit more accepting of it.

    I agree that limiting the number of hands I can wield a weapon with is a good idea, but at the current level its about the only way our party is dealing damage, using 5 hands on a sword. Its certainly the only way I can do it with the class right now. You've made the class too hax-proof!

    I needed to look something up from the class while the website was down, and found numerous other telekinetic classes. While the basic framework in this version for this is by far the best, I am thinking of looking into abilities of the others for some inspiration on making perhaps my own acf. So far I've got some emulated spells, and having the shatter version of fling eventually upgrade into being able to burst the object as an aoe.

    Sidenote: being able to shatter anything with that ability mainly lead to me wanting to shatter stupid things like pillows, or just implode the trunks of whole trees and watching them fall. Should be somehow more limited but I haven't the foggiest how. The sorts of being able to destroy everything that allows is pretty impressive, particularly when targeting a foe's gear. Though I have enough trouble with just the shatter spell; when the item I spent so much time and effort acquiring or is even a major part of my class abilities is just effortlessly destroyed. I'm not sure if we've just been using it wrong or if my dm is just cruel and heartless but I've lost my fair share of items to shatter.

    Edit: I'm actually doing quite well for feats without wild talent / psionic ones. I've got like, 8 so far (we're the sort of group that tends to use a lot of hax and like feats...) and I've got many lined up for future levels. Most of the ones I have so far are racial, things for helping me with undeadness, but even if I werent using 3rd party and undead feats there is a large selection of feats. And if you really were interested in psionic feats, you can always just take wild talent, like, as a feat.
    Last edited by Estradus; 2013-04-29 at 08:25 PM.