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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution (Setup And Discussion)

    Actually, depending on the technicalities that will probably be ironed out at the council meeting, there could be a vacancy as Primera Espada for a high-ranked Fraccion, seeing as the Hollow King has just been vanquished, there is both the possibility of someone moving in as Primera or perhaps even more Espada dying if someone tries to challenge the coup.

    Tinja is however looking for Fracciones, so if anyone wishes to become one of the Quinta's Fracciones.... There is also the possibility that we get the chance to appoint the new Primara (ask Dorizzit), and if so, I'd be happy to sponsor one of my Fracciones.
    Last edited by Demidos; 2013-05-06 at 12:17 PM.
    My Homebrew:
    The Fortunar Base Class: A Fortuneteller wielding a minor Deck of Many Things. Mid T3.

    Completed Classes
    The Grandmaster : A master of animated stattuettes and tactical magic. High tier 3.
    The Hidden Word: An infiltrator with a wide range of abilities that works best in small teams. Tier 2-3
    Web-Spinner: A martial class based around using webs. Mid T3.
    The True Warrior: A swift mundane martial combat class that can dodge and slice their way to victory. Low Tier 3.