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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Inside my bag of holding.

    Post Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    [Stats and Description]
    Name: Ishukira
    Race: Kari Dragon
    Ishukira originates in an alternate existance, thus here is a description of Kari dragons:[br]A Kari dragon is the largest draconic creature on Krin, the world which they call home. They are the guardians of the Kari Elves, a nation of elves which inhabit the Kari Dessert in the expanse between the continents of Ardath and Chifoldan. Not only do they have inherent magical abilities pertaining to fire, as well as a full immunity to such magics and elements, but once they achieve young adulthood (51-100 years or so) they obtain a single humanoid form which they can change to and from at will, albeit it being a tiring experience. This form is determined by the Kari's current personality when they first take the form upon themselves.[br][br]The size of Kari dragons vary ever so slightly, but they are the largest dragons of their homeworld, ranging between 120 and 180 feet long with a 140-220 foot wingspan. Like the common dragon, the Kari has a breath weapon allowing it to spew fire forth from it's mouth. But unlike other dragons, it is not limited to merely a cone form or a line, they can control the size, depth, intensity, and direction of their attacks with absolute precision, making it harder to defend against their breath.[br][br]While in human form, a Kari's abilities are still fire and combat based, though as a magical creature they are greatly adept at most sorts of magic. This of course depends upon the dragon's own personal preferences when it comes to training in a humanoid setting.

    Class: Dragon
    Alignment and Temprament: Chaotic Good, though is quick to anger.
    Age: 367 standard years.
    Draconic Form
    Height: Shoulder height - 86 feet. Wing height - 120 feet folded and perpindicular to the ground.
    Length: Head to tail, fully extended - 168 feet.
    Wingspan: 212 feet.
    Weight: Good gods, don't go there.
    Colour: Bronze and golden, metallic sheen.
    Humanoid Form
    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 216 pounds
    Hair colour and length: Reddish amber, shoulder length. Gotee.
    Eye colour: Golden
    Weapons: Twin falchions, engraved in Ornith runes for storage in a shadow plane.
    The Ornith are another group of elves on Krin, originating in the forests of Ardath surrounding the Mountain of Keys and the Valley of Kronos. They are inherintly carriers of shadow magic, allowing the most skilled to flicker into and out of the Shadowlands, creating a form of instant teleportation that makes them the most feared assassins of the overworld. A shadow plane is the equivilant of a pocket plane, allowing the storage of something (or someone) until the user calls them back into reality.

    Raised among the Kari, Ishukira was constantly treated as royalty. His parents fulfilled their duty of protecting the elves and the Key of Fire, an ancient relic that when combined with the other seven would release the demi-god Kronos back upon the world. Once he reached the appropriate age, about 56 standard years, the Kari magi helped him in obtaining his humanoid form - that of a Kari male.

    Unlike his siblings, who were content in waiting for magical prowess to come to them naturally over the next thousand years, Ishukira wished to move at the same pace as the Kari magi whom he had been raised around. Because of this, he took humanoid form for approximately one hundred and thirty eight years, using this time to study with humans and elves alike at the Wizard's Tower located in the eastern Triad.

    During his stay he excelled in fire-based magical abilities, learning both defensive and offensive forms. Much to the confusion of the resident professors, he never conjured a single bit of water-based magic, the same going for ice. The only way he could ever accomplish such feats were through runes.

    On Krin, there are three forms of magic: Verbal magic, inherent (natural) magic, and runecasting. Runecasting is where a person takes a stick of wax, uses a Runespell dagger to carve the appropriate rune for the spell into the wax, and then invokes the stick, casting the spell.[br][br]This works because the rune alligns the stick to the proper order, and the wax contains the energy through the fats and lipids of the creatures used to create it, be them animal or plant. Once invoked, the rune disapates, filtering the energy of the wax through the rune and transforming it into the energy vortex that is the desired spell. The wax disappears completely.[br][br]Runespell daggers are silver daggers with the Runespell rune magically burned into their blades, in order to make a rune official. Without this, a rune will not work for invocation. This also means that wizards can safely pen runes onto scrolls for teaching other wizards, so they can know devastating spells without necessarily using them.

    Eventually, as his humanoid form aged more slowly than even those of the elves within the school, Ishukira was found out and forcefully evicted by the more powerful magi in the school. He ended up on the coast of Wiur, an island nation north of the Triad.

    Maintaining his humanoid form, he sought out employment, refusing to return to his dessert home just yet. He found it within the Wiuran Guard, and was shipped out to the Red Isle, where Wiur and its ally, Duridgia, were fighting a vicious island-to-island war against the Ifsori pirates. Distinguishing himself many a time in battle, Ishukira was knighted and became his own commander. His only duty was to seek out threats to the Wuiran nation and eliminate them through whatever means were availible. As his superiors did not know of his draconic origins, he was able to fulfill these duties quite aptly, returning home shortly to obtain twin falchions forged by the now elderly Kari magi whom he had originally worked with to obtain his humanoid form.

    For a while, he existed as such. Seeking out evil and destroying it as best he could. But eventually, he became bitter. The world was boring. It was pointless. Few were strong enough to combat a fully grown Kari dragon, humanoid form or not.

    So he decided to make a side trip. Stopping off in the Andori villages of Chifoldan, he began obtaining information pertaining to the Mount of Keys and the True Elves, items of folklore within the world's history.

    The Andori are another sect of elves, with ice-based inherent abilities.

    In doing so, he accidentally decimated a small Andori village, and the poor Andori thought he wanted a sacrifice. They gave him Kelin. Unable to return the boy, Ishukira was forced to 'adopt' him as his squire.

    From there, the two travelled to the Mount of Keys.

    The Mount of Keys seperates the Overworld from the Underworld. It was errected near the dawn of creation to seal the evil True Elves and their demonic god Kronos in the Underworld.

    Ishu and Kelin proceeded to force their way into the Underworld, traverse the True Elven nation, and enter the Fire Realms where Kronos resided by the Tear. They did not make it to Kronos, however, but were sucked into the Tear, which sent them hurtleling through time and space, and across the planes. They ended up in another world, called Arai, where they participated in a global war for a time until a demi-god of that world evicted them, sending them through yet another rift.

    They are now residing in the Town, as homeless vagabonds, until they can earn enough money in freak shows or performing on street corners to obtain themselves a home.

    [Common Knowledge]
    - When Ishu gets angry, things explode.
    - If Ishu changes into his natural draconic form, run.
    - Do not baste any livestock in barbeque sauce when Ishukira is around.

    Not really.

    [Stats and Description]
    Name: Kelin
    Race: Andori Elf
    Class: Fighter and Mage
    Alignment and Temprament: Chaotic Good
    Age: 53
    Height: 4 ft 7
    Skin Color: Light blue skin
    Hair Color: Silver (with an almost metallic sheen)
    Eye Color: bright blue
    Weapons: A pair of Andori long swords.

    Fairly cool-tempered and hard to anger, but it *is* possible. Kelin is talkative, curious, eager but very clever. His mind has a large capacity, though he is outwardly young in appearance. He can be a bit excitable and has a tendancy to hyperactivity due to elvish energy. He can be slightly annoying if he's allowed to get out of control. Kelin has a strong natural ability to create ice-elemented magic. This, he can do with ease. However, he is limited in the use of other elements of magic. Kelin sometimes relies on Ishukira to tell him what to do. He is a very loyal elf and does most everything Ishukira asks him to do without blinking an eye. Kelin is very defensive. He believes in fighting for just causes as well as protecting the innocent.

    [Common Knowledge]
    - He has blue skin.
    - He is annoying.

    Looks 14-15 due to slower aging.

    Ongoing Storyline:
    None at present.
    Last edited by Ishukira; 2006-11-06 at 03:28 PM.