Quote Originally Posted by Beleriphon View Post
Well boxers can generate 5000 newtons of force. If you make that 25 times higher you get 125000 newtons. That's the rough equivalent of 12.75 TONS of force. Its like getting hit with a good sized truck, but with somebody's fist! If you were 25 times stronger than a human you don't need weapons, you can just beat people to death with fists that hit like a speeding cement truck.
essentially the logic I was going with when I suggested a bludgeoning weapon. I am assuming the super human still has concern for his own skin thus the need to use a weapon which gives the advantage of reach as well as mechanical advantage. If you think of the fact the average 1.5 sword will be around 3 pounds and can be easily wielded by a normal human our super human is swinging around a 75 pound bludgeon, for a lack of a better term, with equal agility and he will have little problems with your average human.