I'm guessing that this doesn't include Belkar's vision, so, my gut feeling is (clockwise):

All (or just Haley due to be holding the goblin)
Elan maybe not serious about durkon's demise)
Roy (becase is in the one that has to destroy Xykon)
Elan (obvious)
Haley (she is charging)
Roy (obvious)
Elan (the only one that has some sympathytowards belkar)
Haley (Thief's guild)
Roy (obvious)
All (or just Elan is he is being naive enough to think the casters can handle the gates, also, durkon still alive)
All (or just roy?)
Haley (duh)
Elan (duh)
Haley (again with the paladins)
Elan (or Haley)