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    Troll in the Playground
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    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Got a Real World Weapons or Armour Question? Mk XII

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Beer View Post
    The conclusion was taking a full load from a 12 gauge might be hard enough to knock you over but pistols/rifles/light automatic fire wouldn't and that people fell over for the reasons you described and possibly sometimes because they expected to fall over if shot.
    That last bit is probably part of it, yes. As far as I know (from reading up on wound ballistics, FBI reports, etc., for purposes of a realistic cyberpunk combat system; I'm no expert or pro, just a nerd), a lot of the effects of being shot are psychological. Some people "shut down" mentally when they get shot.

    Conversely, some people are Michael Platt or William Matix, and keep shooting and killing despite numerous gunshot wounds (including lethal wounds), mostly because of their psychology. (Being trained as a Marine or a Ranger no doubt helps.)
    Last edited by Rhynn; 2013-05-13 at 07:10 AM.