Quote Originally Posted by SowZ View Post
Since Toughness costs 3 points, a 1 for 1 HP trade, why not just give players the option of spending leftover feat points on HP at a 1 for 1 trade? Whether that is 2 or 4 feat points leftover? Toughness could still exist as a 3 coster for pre-reqs, I suppose.

If you don't do '3 feat points a level' but follow the original mechanic, some people may feel forced to spend all or most their feat points since, say, they aren't going to play to level 9 so their excess points will be wasted. It gives something, anyways.
I'm perfectly fine with that idea. I never really got around to drafting an "official" version of my variant. The only thing of note here is the table (arguably the hardest part of the whole thing), which is hopefully much-improved over SKR's, and is useable with both SKR's version and your own variations thereof.