Marty likes very much what he sees on the wall. Perfect white metal, shining like a Knight's platinum protection. He will move over to it, and gently caress the chestplate before using his telekinesis to have the armor fly off the rack and clasp around him, buckling and sliding into place.

Martyn very much likes this armor, moving and sliding his arms before levitating into the air and flexing his hands. He enjoys the pauldrons and heavy boots. I am the perfect combination of warrior and wizard. With magical might enough to destroy entire cities, and the strength to beat down all who appose me... Now, Harald.... Weapon. I want a sword. A sword to wield in case close combat is necessary. A helmet, and a cloak after. I want power. More power than any other. I want to be able to take down even the strongest of enemies. I shall only slay those who would kill those like I was. Those who pray on innocents. I shall destroy AMEN. I need weapons! NOW Harald!

Of course, Martyn is completely insane, so who he finds innocent tends to vary...