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Thread: Borderlands 2

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    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Borderlands 2

    I don't know why you would assume that I haven't played on higher difficulties. Maybe it's because I generally play as Zero with all the crit damage increase, but I find them to be one of the easiest enemies. I don't see how you can say they have a small crit zone. Literally about a fourth of their body is vulnerable to crits if you're attacking from the front.

    I just run straight at them. I'll generally get knocked down into fight for your life mode, but they go down before it runs out, and I get my second wind. Much easier than sitting back plinking at them and dealing with all their spawns.

    Also, I never said that it was impossible to have fun in single's simply a fact that the game is made primarily to be played in co-op. I'm sure the developers of the game would tell you the very same thing.

    On manufacturers: What you're saying is generally true, but there are many guns even outside of the rare and red text ones that are more than they appear simply from the label.
    Last edited by Anteros; 2013-05-20 at 03:09 PM.