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Thread: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest Chat Thread IV

    YAAAAAY My first Peach!

    Quote Originally Posted by malonkey1 View Post
    The BAB makes sense, but I feel like they should keep three good saves from Monk. They haven't stopped doing their perfection of self thing, they just do it in a different way.
    I was on the fence about the saves but I agree.

    Seems good. Would a Witch be able to prepare in this way without her familiar? And does any given spell have to be scribed all in one place? (I want to scribe wish. Can I scribe 3 level's worth on my arms, 2 on my feet, 1 on my head, and 3 on by chest?)
    Yes to the former: It was intended to allow for a which without her familiar or a wizard without his spellbook to prepare the spells from their tattoos.
    To the latter: No- the intent was that the spell had to fit in order to be scribed. I will clarify. Do you think allowing the tattoo to be scribed across to different parts of the body would create a balance issue? I'm not seeing any problems with it besides book-keeping in relation to some of the Arcane Realizations...

    Seems good. Balanced by MAD and caster level loss.
    Thank you~

    Hm. This is an interesting ability, and it matches flavor just fine. Could this be used in conjunction with Stunning Fist and similar abilities?
    I don't see why not - Preventing such was not intended. I will clarify.

    I'll PEACH these in another post.
    Muchly appreciated~

    Well. That's pretty cool. It'd be awesome alongside flurry of blows.
    Thank you!

    That's a neat ability. I see you took a small tip from the Magus with that one.
    I do love me some Magus

    I would say this might be somewhat overpowered. Perhaps require a ki point cost to do so?
    That sounds good to me.

    That's what I'm talkin' about! I love this. If not for that last clause, this'd be overpowered. It's still certainly potent.
    Your initial suggestion sparked that one.

    Again, might need a ki cost here. Other than that, it's not bad.
    That sounds fair to me.

    Again, will lok at in another post.
    Thank you!
    And thank you very much for your time: I really appreciate it!
    Last edited by necroon; 2013-05-23 at 06:29 PM.