Dear Skeppio,

First of all, in regards to you problems finding a job, I don't really have any help for you there. I can only tell you that things are just as bad for me in the United States right now and offer solidarity. We'll get through it.

With regards to finding people who share your interests, what are your interests? Do these interests have a physical place for them (a gaming store for a gaming hobby, for example). If they do then, rather than trying to find people who align with your interests, maybe you could frequent those places because other people like you are going to do the same.

Lastly, I don't want to alarm you but, having read the actual textbook, what you've described is pretty much a textbook case of clinical depression. Now I'm not leaping to conclusions or judging anything, but it may be worth your time to talk to a therapist or a counselor about what you've described here. Even if you are perfectly mentally healthy, it would probably be good for you to talk with someone trained in helping people through problems like this. I can't promise that you'll get what you need from it, but it might open some options up for you and it at least couldn't hurt.

Hoping this advice helps,