Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
"All my dreams are strange....And they might all be omens, too. What's an omen and what's not...How can you know until the future's happened and is past?
...But nothing about the other day..."

Foxglove admitted after a few seconds of staring blankly into some middle distance, trying to recall her dreams and distinguish them from the rest of her head.

Silent Night just...pauses for a moment.

"Huh...I like you and your way of thinking." Silent Night says with a small smile.

Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
Godwyn narrows his eyes slightly at Gear's crooked smirk. "I don't think I want to know." In response to Foxglove, he just nods along in understanding, or at least attempted understanding.

"I see. Then it seems I am the only one whom she has sought out beyond the waking realm. Interesting," the Paladin muses.

He takes another sip of his coffee, a thoughtful look in his eyes. He then sets down the mug, and looks around the table. His expression is somber, and his gaze is serious. "Last night Anacra intruded upon my dreams and offered me with a choice. Or at least, the illusion of a choice," he frowns. "I am now sworn to owe her a single favor, a favor which she swore would not violate my Oath as a Paladin. Had I not agreed to the deal, she would have committed an act of murder. And I could not let that happen," he states with a small frown. "Furthermore..." his frown deepens, "I may have some idea as to what her plans may be..."
"That...might not be so bad...mom used to make deals all the time, but they turned out well for everybody involved. That used to basically be her mantra. Everything should end as well as possible for everybody involved."

Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
"Really? I didn't even know she had a plan."

Foxglove thought about what he said, though, and added,

"Doesn't that mean as long as you owe her, she can't kill anyone? So that's solved.
...Or, she can kill as many people as she likes, and your promise doesn't mean anything because it's infinity -1."
"This doesn't mean much I suppose, given that as far as I know, my mom wouldn't do what happened in that cave...or look like that in the first place...but I don't think she could ever tell a lie. Every word she ever said had this undeniable truthiness to it. If she said she wouldn't do something, or she would do something, she would die before she ever even thought of going against it."

Silent Night certainly seems to be an optimist anyway.