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Thread: Cleanup Crew IC

  1. - Top - End - #62
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Off in University land

    Default Re: Cleanup Crew IC

    Elyna smiles kindly before responding with soothing words: "As far as conspiciousness goes, well, I'm a reasonably attractive young woman traveling alone who smells of brimstone; a bit odd in my own way after all. If necessary, appearances can be disguised; we can put on some long hooded robes and call ourselves initiates to a monastery. Though some new adventurers might decide to start pestering the hooded strangers for quests!"

    She turns to look at the (half? Third? Two-fifth?) elf that's been oddly quiet during this whole long exchange. "What are your thoughts on the matter, Terjon? You seem a bit lost in thought."

    "Oh, and thanks for the offer of the meal, Sirachoe! That would be lovely."
    Last edited by Reyne; 2013-06-02 at 06:16 PM.