Quote Originally Posted by Olinser View Post
Time isn't slowly catching up with him, it is event-based. There is a specific event (the kiss at the dance) that is his last chance for existence. There were plenty of points before that where Marty could have fixed things and gotten his parents together fine. As long as there was a POSSIBILITY of him existing, he continued to exist. It was only at the critical last point where it was no longer going to be possible that he existed in the future, that he began to disappear.

And he changed a LOT of things - his family's entire personalities most obviously.
It's been a while since I've last seen the movie(s) but weren't his sibling(s) slowly disappearing from the picture over the course of the movie?
And while, yeah, their personalities did change it was in a pretty simplistic manner. Like, "dad's more confident now, so he's got a better job" but little taking into account this would affect much more things in their life, probably. But this isn't the "how realistic is BttF" thread and I think we can agree to disagree?

And it's the same with Rogue. Imprisoning him simply isn't good enough. As long as there is the slightest chance that he COULD escape and time travel - no matter how far-fetched, Future Rogue will continue to exist.

And you're starting to contradict yourself here. You specifically said you didn't have to put him in jail - then claim they can throw him in Earthland's anti-magic cells. Which is it? Are we going to throw him in a prison or not?
Possibly (re: me contradicting myself). My point is simply a) killing him is not the only/best option and b) we have no idea how FT's time travel laws would react to this even if Rogue was removed from the timeline. (Like: Future Rogue came from another Future timeline so he doesn't care about what happens to this Rogue, as with the almanach which Future Successful Biff probably never send to his past self and the timeline didn't care how he got the almanach.)