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Thread: Gnorman's Complete E6 Compendium

  1. - Top - End - #461
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Mighty_Chicken's Avatar

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    Dec 2004

    Default Re: Gnorman's Complete E6 Compendium

    Hey Gnorman! This is all very awesome, as you probably already know.

    I have a few questions:

    - Personally I think the human trait of changing skill points every day is too complicated (changing class skills is fine). Also, it doesn't fit what we know from humans... as far as my experience tells me, humans might have more feats and skills than semi humans. I don't know any semi human, so it does seem believeable that they have less skills than us. But I know a lot of humans (including some 6th level ones) and none of them can change their skills after a night of sleep... so intead of thinking of something real humans don't have, shouldn't we be thinking of something real humans do have, and maybe fantastic sapient species don't?

    - How balanced do you think your casters are compared to skilled and fighting types? I ask because I'm writing a Spell Point system for E6. Spell points are usually a buff to casters, but the way I'm doing it I think it may be a nerf. Would a mild nerf kill your casters?
    Last edited by Mighty_Chicken; 2013-06-04 at 12:20 PM.