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Thread: Cleanup Crew IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Off in University land

    Default Re: Cleanup Crew IC

    Elyna's eyes dart back and forth nervously, as if saying the deity's name would draw his attention.

    ...Oh wow, really? You wouldn't have told me if you weren't sure, though; that really explains a lot. And leaves so many more questions unasked. It's also flattering that of the rest of the group you chose to trust me.

    We should discuss this more sometime later. It's highly suspicious though that a dragon god would come down himself to give us this mission rather than doing so through a proxy, and put up with our rudeness. I'll need to read up more on dragons when I have the opportunity, but one question comes to mind immediately... do dragon gods also play Xorvintaal?

    With that said, she returns to the group, taking the opportunity to make conversation with her new companions and get to know them better.
    Last edited by Reyne; 2013-06-04 at 06:41 PM.