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Thread: Cleanup Crew IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Realm of Dreams

    Default Re: Cleanup Crew IC


    The air genasi woman issues a standing invitation to her room to Elyna, along with permission to kick out any strangers that might be found there and sober up Sirachoé, if necessary.

    No hard liquor or mixed drinks tonight; I should have my head about me with this new job.

    Thus, any unconsumed booze gets spread around the common room after a bit, though that bottle of wine was much smaller than she expected. Food is also used to dilute the alcohol, a tried and true method of avoiding hideous intoxication.

    Sirachoé consoles herself with memories of battle and the thought of the sensory delights and intellectual stimulation that this new job might yet hold in store for her and her new companions.

    The light breeze twists about her pulses with her excitement.
    Last edited by Phelix-Mu; 2013-06-04 at 07:45 PM.
    In my dreams, I am currently a druid 20/wizard 10/arcane hierophant 10/warshaper 5. Actually, after giving birth to a galaxy by splitting a black hole, level is no longer relevant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Keledrath View Post
    I've never been able to put my finger on how to describe you Phelix, but I think I have an idea now.

    You're Tippy's fluffy cousin...