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Thread: Cleanup Crew IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Off in University land

    Default Re: Cleanup Crew IC


    Throughout the conversation, food, and laughter of the night, the tiefling woman is lost in thought about the group, their mission, and the eventful day. The group is a rather eclectic mix of humanoids, apparently confident in their competence and skill. But Elyna is much less sure about herself; she never had any formal arcane schooling, never had to match her wits against a confident qualified experienced wizard. I won't let them down. I can't let them down, she assures herself.

    To her side, Misty bubbles with excitement at the idea of leaving the city soon. The stink of any city added to the smog of the industries has been nauseating the air elemental; she already misses riding the winds in the cool clean air.

    Though Elyna had intended to take Sirachoé up on her invitation, to continue their earlier discussion, she eventually decides not to. She's only just met the air genasi lady, and isn't comfortable entering the room of her teammate in the late evening. Instead she takes her rest early, going to bed to gather her strength for the next day.
    Last edited by Reyne; 2013-06-05 at 02:37 AM.