Quote Originally Posted by Carry2 View Post
* If one concedes that Shojo made Azure City less politically stable, why does this count as a capital-G Good thing? You're saying that "Shojo saw himself as putting one over on those uptight sticks-in-the-mud", but among his last words were "Everything I did, I did for my people". If you're saying 'the ultimate effect was increased Chaos, therefore Chaotic', then it's hard to see how the net effect was increased Good, unless Shojo pissed off the nobles through some kind of explicit social-reformist agenda. (Which seems plausible, but the evidence for it is pretty scattered. I'm just sort of presuming that Shojo wasn't so petty as to threaten his city with outright anarchy just for the lolz.)
I don't think it was the political instability that was good, per se. Rather, the political stability was a side effect of preventing evil people like Kubota from making the lives of the average citizen worse.