Quote Originally Posted by Keveak View Post
[Mortal World]
(City Park)

Taking a step forward, Alice attempts to support Katsuo and prevent the Mortal from toppling over completely. Should it fail, Alice will reach down to offer a hand.

"Ah, you all right, sir?".
Katsuo is quite all right physically, a bit more rattled at being trampled by a demon bull than anything. He takes the help with a disheveled smile.

"I'm f-fine..." But then, his composure lapses as he re-realizes the situation he was in, sitting down immediately and looking into empty space. "...But... maybe not..."

He is quiet for some time. "...What just happened?"

(Cathedral of the Trifold Eye)

Alexandra shifts impatiently, looking up for a moment as she recognizes the spiritual clashes taking place across the city.

"Well... We should attempt to find one of these record chambers with all haste. Oscar, was it?" She closes her eyes in concentration for a moment, then opens a garganta to one of the points near the center of the labyrinth, where she's already been.

"Shall we?" She barely waits before taking the map and materials in her bag, tapping along the materialized path with that curved cane of hers.