[Soul Society]
(The Memorial)
Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
"Hello, Koutaru-san," Scarlet greets the senior officer, silently wondering why Koutaru had not paid his respects to the Kenpachi yet, if he was going to at all or merely saving it for last.

"Kiba-san would agree with you both, as would all the Seated Officers I'm sure. I know he's been trying to reach out to the other Divisions, but you know Kiba. When it comes to diplomacy, he'd make Bulk and Skull look like ambassadors. And while it's true that we need to be able to work together with ALL of Soul Society in order to survive, there are many Shinigami who are out for our blood right now. It will take more than just the hand of friendship to fix everything that's broken with Soul Society.

"Not to mention those demands by the hollows. Morale is down enough as is, not just in our Division but across Soul Society."

"You don't make fun of me because I can still kick your ass," she playfully chides.
"I...yes. The Vice-Captain is a good man, a phenomenal fighter, and a great leader for us. But he can be very...direct."

Masaru seems almost embarrassed. He clearly agrees with Scarlet's analysis, but perhaps feels he must be careful so as to not besmirch his leader's name.

"It might be best if one or more of us Seated Officers took charge of trying to build bridges. It would let Vice-Captain Kiba focus on organization, planning, and the leadership meetings."

Considering how half the leaders of Divisions were Acting or Temporary Captains, calling it a "Captain's Meeting" seemed a bit disingenuous.

"As for what to do...some will be out to sabotage us, yes. Not much we can do after a point. Keep our noses clean I suppose. But perhaps we should see about contacting Recon and arranging...I don't know, a joint exercise or something? Volunteer a few of us to go on a Mortal patrol with them?"

He had to laugh at her rebuttal.

"You could kick my ass before. Don't think I didn't learn a thing or two there in the Hellpath, even aside from communing with Ancalagon."