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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "Sounds like one awful boring journey to do alone. Wanna come with?"

    Setsurou did notice the lack of fingers, but spoke nothing of it. Swordsmen in general tended to be very sensitive of the subject*.

    "I'm Setsurou, by the way."

    *The pinky and ring fingers are supposed to be the fingers that most affect your grip strength with a sword. The reason Yakuza cut off pinkies is due to a tradition harkening back to when swords were commonplace weapons - cutting the tip of the pinky, then the tip of the ring finger, then another knuckle on the pinky and so on gradually weakened the effectiveness of a swordsman and forced him or her to rely more on their teammates.
    Igarashi looked into the distance. "Very well". Something seemed oddly...foolish about this fellow, not at all in keeping with the decorum usually required by the Court Guard squads. It seemed a good idea to keep an eye on him until he could be properly examined at Hospital Division Headquarters. "Naganori Igarashi. Former sixth seat of the SSI Division." A slight emphasis on the division would have an attentive listener explaining from which division they themselves proceeded.
    Last edited by Demidos; 2013-06-08 at 11:55 PM.
    My Homebrew:
    The Fortunar Base Class: A Fortuneteller wielding a minor Deck of Many Things. Mid T3.

    Completed Classes
    The Grandmaster : A master of animated stattuettes and tactical magic. High tier 3.
    The Hidden Word: An infiltrator with a wide range of abilities that works best in small teams. Tier 2-3
    Web-Spinner: A martial class based around using webs. Mid T3.
    The True Warrior: A swift mundane martial combat class that can dodge and slice their way to victory. Low Tier 3.