Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
Lobby Office

The most heinous of crimes.

"If it's all the same to you sir, I'd much rather just leave sir." Butler may be dense, but he's not so stupid that he wants to work for someone who threatened to break his legs twice! Both of them even. That's four legs Butler doesn't want broken.

His fur does get a little less poofy as he turns his head to look at the door that Decker's voice is coming through. It's a very calming voice, that.
Mr. Ritz wrings his hands slowly, before settling down in his chair. The door to get in is well locked, so Marcy can have a moment here. Butler, I... Am very sorry for my behavior. Marciano saying sorry? See, I have severe anger management issues, and sometimes I get a little carried away with my work. I don't have any friends, so it's awfully difficult for me to ever feel content... People son't like me due to my psychological issue. I can't control it... But, but, you... You seem very kind, very caring... I need someone like you around me. To keep me feeling happy, and to keep my stress levels down. Mr. Butler, I'm so sorry... Please forgive me? And give me a second chance? Marciano is completely degrading himself. Huh. Well, his words are VERY believable, and due to the suggestion spell subtly interlaced in his words, even Butler might feel very sorry for the guy.

Mr. Ritz goes even farther and bursts into tears. Before reaching across the table to hold Butler's hands. Oh please, please, please reconsider... I need you.