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Thread: {Nexus}: The Ritzzz Casino & Club

  1. - Top - End - #58
    Pixie in the Playground
    The Alexandrian's Avatar

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    Oct 2010
    Dexter's Laboratory

    Default Re: {Nexus}: The Ritzzz Casino & Club


    "I was hired for whatever job I wanted to apply for as far as I understand, so I guess that tonight I'm being paid to do anything you want me to do, and I do mean anything, especially the kind of entertainment your friend is accustomed to if you're implying what I think you're implying."

    Khyli coquettishly answers Dena, winking at the two drow with a confident smirk forming upon her face before replying to Kirk's question.

    "Busy for my first night and for the following morning, I'd wager were I a gambling woman. I like to think of myself as a lady of many talents. I was trained as a ninja by my father so I'm proficient at swordplay and assassination if ever you need an irksome somebody removed from existence. I can mix a mean drink, cook a delicious meal, and I'm rather decent at playing games like anything involving cards, chess, checkers, mahjong, if that's your vice, and my personal favorite, Risk. I can perform magic tricks, sing any genre of music from opera to death metal, play the violin and fiddle, and dance however you'd like. I'm pretty good at hunting dangerous animals, playing video games, and I'm not half bad at bank robbery, would you believe? If none of that interests you, I juggle and am okay at most sports that aren't hockey. And of course, there's also less child friendly entertainment I can perform for you if either of you would find that more-"

    Khyli attempts to lightly brush her smooth, soft devil's tail against Dena's upper leg while flashing Kirk a lustful smile! She is aiming to seduce the both of them over the course of the night.

    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2013-06-09 at 05:43 PM.