[Soul Society]
(Kenpachi Memorial)
Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
Scarlet's face burns red in anger at the passive-aggressive bull**** of her fellow officers. Even the Vice-Captain of the Command Division, who outranks her by quite a bit, earns her fiery glare. Everyone there is equally the subject of her fury. "If the three of you are going to act like children, take it somewhere other than the Kenpachi's grave! We are ALL Comrades on the same side in a war here, no matter what Division or how much 'tact' one may or may not have. Masaru, if you don't consider Naijeru your friend now, then you'd better start soon, because you're both going to need to have each other's back regardless of whether you approve of the other's behavior."
Masaru had the grace to look very much chastised at Scarlet's words. Once or twice he seemed almost ready to say something, but then thought better of it.

Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
"It is PRECISELY because we are where we are that I ask for tact. Are you not a little quick to forget some of us have had no time to mourn? I have only just been able to visit this grave myself." Koutarou noted, returning the glare in kind, but with a hint of sadness. "You're right on one point, though - this is the kind of thing we cannot have amongst our ranks. However lacking in subtlety though his intentions were, Naijeru's heart was in the right place." He turned to Naijeru with a wicked smirk. "Although I WOULD suggest thinking twice before you refuse the kind offer of someone who could transfer you to Logistics and make you scrub toilets for the remainder of your afterlife, Naijeru-san." He was joking... right?

"Scarlet-san. I don't think Masaru-kun's intent is to mean he does not trust Naijeru to have his back in battle.

But trusting one to have his heart is another matter. We are all comrades, but by necessity, be it of hierarchy or otherwise, friendship is something that cannot be forced. I for one would struggle to try and keep everything that everyone in Soul Society holds dear safe. But that is not something I expect of anyone."

At this point, Koutarou's expression twisted into a sad smile. He was trying to be kind, in his own way. But for all he noted of Naijeru's lack of tact, he himself seemed at a loss on how to make his own friends.
Masaru slowly spoke up, somewhat softely.

"It is...it is as Koutarou-san says."

Masaru went and knelt before the memorial to the Kenpachi once more for a moment, perhaps begging forgiveness for his impertinence in his arguing with the others. He then stood and faced them, about to say something-
Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
(Phoenix Temple)

Yumiko was attempting to finish up the days' paperwork when the alarms sounded. Someone was attacking HER library? Equally scared as she was defensive, she immediately commenced the standard procedure, activating artificial Barrier Kidos throughout the complex, sending Hell Butterflies to multiple Divisions just to see who would respond first.
When a couple of Hell Butterflies landing among them and broadcast the alarm. Masaru's eyes widened.

"With the activity at the Gate being so recent, Internal Security's response might be slowed. We should go back them up."

Without waiting for a response, Masaru was flash-stepping away.

His hot-headed-ness hadn't entirely faded, it seemed.