Quote Originally Posted by t209 View Post
So how would you make your Drow PCs and not make them Drizzt Clone?
-An outcast but still viewed as unlikable in views of "good race". It's like he or she is a goody two shoe in drow's morals but a despicable jerk in "good" race's morals (like Elric of Melnibone).
- An insider's view on why Drow's are evil (like they do "bad" things to curb overpopulation and resource scarcity).
- A drow mecenary who just join in the party for money.
Any ideas?
Two that have shown up in games I've been in;

A drow elf captured by a Grey Elf raid, which went in to exterminate all citizens of a dark elf outpost. The mother was in labor, and the capturer concluded that since the baby was unborn at time of attack, it wasn't a citizen.

A century and a half later, the dark elf had been raised by a particularly cult-ish version of the grey elves, who wanted to reunite all the elven races under one banner. He was a completely loyal assassin and scout. He ended up sacrificing his life and soul for the good of the 'elven nation'.

The second was a self centered genius with no morals. He was originally a high elf who was afflicted by the same curse as the drow for turning against his people for the sake of his magic studies. He was mechanically drow, and a necromancer who played long term conquest. The one and only D&D character I've ever had who was influenced by M:tG