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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Vigilantism and the Lawful Alignment in OotS

    Quote Originally Posted by Reddish Mage View Post
    As for the danger to Roy, the final strip notes that Plan A was Operation: Send the Meat Shield in First.
    1) No, it doesn't. Haley comments that Plan: Send the Meat Shield In First is off the table; that's not the same thing. Haley would not be making plans at all if Roy was on board with rescuing Elan.
    2) You speak as though continuing through the Wooden Forest, alone, toward the green hag and the black dragon, was the safer option for Roy. It's not, after all, like he started to leave the forest when he found out that sticking to the choice he'd made would mean he was on his own from then on. "It's suicide" was a weak excuse for his refusal to get involved in attacking the bandit camp, "It's for Elan and I hate him" was the obvious actual reason.
    Last edited by Kish; 2013-06-14 at 05:01 PM.