Quote Originally Posted by Cikomyr View Post
I started watching this series a few weeks ago. I get the feeling I am nearing the end of season 1, with..

Jackson travelling to some alternate universe in probably the SINGLE COOLEST EPISODE EVARRRR!!

The atmosphere is freakkin' perfect for that episode!!

Seriously. Except for a few ticks and one element that really pissed me off, I am surprisingly satisfied at the quality of that show. The ticks is simply the budget limit of the sets which occasionally breaks suspension of disbelief (for example, they have the operation room in the same set as the Gate room. But they often put things in the Gate room for apparently no reason, like a brand-new sarcophagus found in Mexico).

The only thing that really, really, really pissed me off this season was in "Bloodline", with Teal'c's son. WHY DON'T YOU BRING HIM BACK TO EARTH?!?!

But otherwise, it's damn good! I look forward to 9 more seasons.. and maybe Atlantiss...
I think they left tealcs kid off earth because tealc has already had problems keeping himself from getting nabbed by the nid. As a member of the sgc he gets some limited protection, but his son would be just a random alien legally speaking, up for grabs.