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Thread: The CHALLENGE continues!

  1. - Top - End - #1077
    Halfling in the Playground
    redfeatherraven's Avatar

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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The CHALLENGE continues!

    I quite appreciate the thought, but these writings are far from finished pieces. I feel submitting them would be much like showing up to a pie judging contest with a single blueberry, a cup of flour, and part of the recipe (with "cherry" scribbled out and a hastily-scrawled "blueberry" in its place), which at present calls for wombat eggs.

    If you think that analogy was incoherent, imagine what the writing's like.

    At any rate I do have enough volume, per se. 2051 without headers (or completion, or sanity, or revision - real stripped-down work), so I'll throw all common sense to the wind and fire them out. If they don't quite qualify, it'll be good research and better infrastructure for the works that do.

    I'm short a permanent place at present, so here's one that's good for 90 days:

    God help you if you read through it, but there it is.
    Last edited by redfeatherraven; 2013-06-17 at 01:04 AM.