SG-1 stands out as the second-best Sci-fi series of all time (loosing out only to Babylon 5).

Even despite the low starship battle count.

I still havent seen the back end of season 10 or the movies or much past about season 2 of Atlantis (we've got 'em all on DVD), since when they took Sky off Virgin originally, by the time wed got the DVDs I'd lost the flow.

That said, I think Ben Browder did a damn fine job, personally; given the phemonminal shoes he had to fill. Was he as good as RDA? Well, no, but then again, it's hardly fair to expect him to be.

Mckay made Atlantis. Without him (and to a lesser degree Shepard), it would have been very bland, and both alien characters were very meh (and sort of Teal'c-lite).

Also, as SG-1 completely took the urine out of itself on no less then two occasions (on the 100 and 200 episodes), it earns extra-special bonues points. (And I haven't seen the like of that since Hercules1 and Xena.) 200 made me laugh so hard I was physically sick. Which is a freaking hard thing to achive for a Lich, I can tell you.

(I think it was the part where they actually went all out and did the Farscape parody scene.)

1The scene in the gent's loo in Yes, Virgina, there is a Hercules was probably the funniest moment of the entire series.